What makes a good tutor?


If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
— Albet Einstein

Ever since I read this quote it has resonated with me - it is a quote I have pondered many times. It is at the forefront of my mind as a consultant, trainer and auditor.

Whilst there’s often a need for baseline standards - there is often a benefit in multi skilled & multi national/cultural teams. 

They say you remember your best/worst teachers. As someone who struggles with numbers & counting, what I can remember is dodging questions & making it through school without it being noticed - well, if you count leaving school before sitting exams as going unnoticed, then I succeeded :)

We must continually develop, & I am absolutely honoured to help people learn. It is a true privilege - especially to develop someone’s ability to protect their life & the life of others. 

This week the PCR Training Team has delivered virtual training across the UK & Africa. In the morning it’s my turn - & I can’t wait. 

For me a good tutor, like a good leader, recognises the fish from the monkeys & the rivers from the trees. Horses for courses. 

Don’t trust it, TEST IT
— PCR Global




Walk 'n' Talk: PERCEPTION