Emma is an energetic and enthusiastic individual whose core values are service, collaboration and authenticity.
Emma is excited to move into consultancy because it provides the opportunity to build solid and ongoing working relationships with duty holders in a variety of industries; Emma believes this kind of proactive relationship is the best way to protect people and the environment, while effectively managing the whole range of business risks.
Emma has exemplified her core values throughout her career in a variety of roles including inspector, union rep, teacher, trainer and mentor. Authenticity means being genuine and honest in what one says and does – this is a key part of developing the trust and openness that are essential to collaborating and working in partnership to put issues right and reduce the risks to people, places and businesses as a whole.
Most recently, Emma worked as HM Inspector of Health and Safety at the Health and Safety Executive. Emma was based in the Building Safety and Construction Division, and became very familiar with the regulations and guidance applicable to the workplace, focussing mainly on the construction industry, for example the HSW Act, CDM, work at height, LOLER/PUWER, COSHH etc.
Emma is familiar with the legal duties placed on Clients and Principal Contractors to ensure they are in compliance with the law, such as appointing competent persons, construction phase plans, transport/traffic planning, risk assessments and method statements.
Emma has undertaken numerous investigations including a fatal fall from height, exposure to asbestos, and a collapsed mast climbing work platform. Emma is familiar with a variety of accident/incident investigation methods including safety cases and techniques such as fault tree analysis, failure modes and effects analysis and system methods such as STAMP.
Emma has conducted many site inspections either pro-actively or reactively in response to incidents and concerns, including taking part in the national programme of spot checks related to covid. She has also assisted other divisions within HSE by undertaking transport and logistics visits and food production spot checks. Recently Emma assisted HM Coroner by writing a report to assist with an inquest. Emma has regularly worked with other parts of HSE and other UK regulators, sharing information and intelligence on matters such as product safety, the environment and modern day slavery.
Emma is a fully qualified teacher of Science and Engineering and prior to working for HSE was a tutor at the QinetiQ apprentice training school at MOD Boscombe Down. There she taught aeronautical mechanical engineering apprentices, avionics apprentices and production apprentices units including metallurgy, NDT, theory of flight, science, maths and functional skills.
Emma qualified with a PGCE in 2003 and taught Geology and all 3 Sciences to A level, she also taught Childcare and Health and Social Care to A Level for 15 years. Between 2014 and 2018 Emma was involved in Safeguarding and training adults in Scouting and volunteered as the Wiltshire County Training Manager for 2 years.
Emma is currently working hard towards completing the NEBOSH National Diploma
Favourite Quote
“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”