As specialists in health and safety compliance, PCR Global provide practical, no-nonsense consultancy services that assist you to understand your health and safety management system in relation to your wider management practices.
We won’t simply drop off a folder of paperwork, or write a report and leave it up to you. We ensure we work alongside you and support your business, to best ensure you make the most appropriate risk-based decisions.
Examples of our services include:
Provision of health and safety documentation – Policies and procedures
Health and safety gap analysis and audits
Site Inspections / Reports
Onsite support during external audits
Risk Assessment and Method Statement assistance
Accident Investigations
SSiP Assistance - CHAS, Construction Line, Safe Contractor, Achilles.
Any of our consultancy services can be sourced on an ad-hoc basis, or packaged within our retained consultancy packages to give you peace of mind and on-going support.
Our baseline retained service includes:
Annual health and safety audit or review
Access to a consultant for telephone and email guidance
Health and safety legal and best practice updates
Access to resources (documents, checklists, forms)
Accident investigation support and liaison with HSE
Certificate confirming PCR Global as your competent person under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”