

PCR Global’s FREC3 programmes are delivered exclusively by ex-Royal Army Medical Corps medics with vast experience in operational environments.

This regulated and nationally recognised prehospital care qualification is ideal for those seeking a career in the emergency services, ambulance service, the event and security medical sector or those who work in high risk environments.

Over a 5 day period, learners will gain the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to deal with a Range of prehospital care emergencies, such as: managing a patient’s airway, catastrophic bleeding, management of fractures, medical emergencies and more.

Endorsed by The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care – The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and fulfilling the competencies set out in the PHEM skills framework at descriptor level D, this fantastic qualification is perfect for a range of roles in emergency care, such as: Event Medical Responder, Emergency Care Support Worker and more.

Course Objectives

  • Shock

  • Poisoning and intoxicating substances

  • External and internal bleeding

  • Helmet removal

  • Neck, spine and pelvic immobilisation

  • Environmental exposure

  • Burns and scalds

  • Minor injuries

  • Incident reporting

  • Roles and responsibilities of a first responder

  • Medical emergencies

  • Patient assessment

  • Airway management

  • Adult, child and infant CPR & AED usage

  • Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) procedures

  • Emergency oxygen

  • Traumatic injuries

  • Catastrophic bleeding

Certification for this course is valid for 3 years.


Examination and practical assessments

Course Dates

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