IOSH Leading Safely is a 5 hour workshop designed to give anyone with leadership responsibility the practical knowledge and the strategic solutions for sustainable business advantage through good safety and health practice.
Businesses are already realising the benefits from Leading Safely, using workable solutions and creating inclusive and well-managed organisational cultures with faster pay-back. Led from the top and incorporated into management systems, better safety and health practice can be a genuine investment for your organisation.
Based on student feedback, the stand-out feature of this IOSH Leading Safely Course is the tailored nature and link to enterprise risk management provided by the tutor, PCRs Head of Risk Management, Andy Protheroe.
Andy makes it easy for delegates to benchmark their current and future safety and health vision and priorities in line with global models of safety, and to recognise good practice gathered from leading organisations from around the world.
This course can be delivered privately and tailored to your organisation (recommended), or you can join one of our scheduled public courses to learn lessons from peers in other organisations.
This course is endorsed by Build UK and meets the CITB training standard set for construction directors
Course Objectives
Shaping your organisational safety and health objectives:
Understand good practice from around the world
Benchmark your performance against others
Shape your safety and health vision and identify the steps you can take to achieve it.
Reduced accident rates, absence and sick leave
Increased productivity and profits
Improved reputation among suppliers, clients and partners
Reduced insurance premiums and legal costs
Better business continuity.
What our wonderful students say…
First, a message from the Tutor:
“Delivering the IOSH Leading Safely Course is something I take very seriously. As a chartered health and safety practitioner, and Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management and International Institute of Risk and Safety Management, I feel it is the highlight of my teaching career to deliver this course.” - Andy Protheroe
IOSH Leading Safely - September 2023 Course
Course Structure
• What is Leadership
• What is safety and health leadership and why is it important?
• Key Behaviours for successful safety leadership
• Diagnostic questionnaire on safety leadership behaviours
• What are the characteristics of a good leader?
• Which are the top three that apply to you?
• What current drivers are acting on your organisation?
• What does compliance in OSH mean to you?
• Do you know of any organisations operating a beyond compliance approach to OSH?
• Beyond compliance
• Where is a beyond compliance approach successfully driving business growth?
• Which model of safety does your organisation most closely resemble?
• Which model of safety would you like to adopt?
• Which indicators do you recognise in your organisation?
• Which have you possibly seen in the past?
• Are there any you see emerging?
• Are there any that might be achievable next steps?
• Identify the steps you need to take to make to move it to the model of safety you wish to adopt
• Consider the indicators in the model you wish to adopt
• Identify top three gaps
• Outline key factors for change
• For a specific gap, identify key players to help you get decisions made
• Identify potential barriers
• Influence decision making by leveraging people in your sphere to carry your message
• For a specific gap, identify and consider the relevant competencies
• Suggest ways within your control to take as next steps to improvement
• Benefits of investing in OSH
• Identify possible leadership strengths and areas for improvement in a real-life scenario
• Which model of safety might the organisation most closely resemble?
• Why did it happen?
• What are the implications?
• How will you ensure it never happens again?
• Questionnaire feedback
• Personal commitments
• Outcome goals, performance goals and process goals
Related News
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Student Feedback
“ I enjoyed every bit of this training. There are rewards in Leading Safely in our organization. Thanks Andy and PCR for this training. ”
“This IOSH Leading Safely course was really inspirational and useful. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to attend it in Accra - Ghana together with the top Management level of Maxam in the region of West Africa. Thank you Andrew for conducting the training and for your interesting contributions that day. ”
Book Now
£10 from every student donated to charity
Note* If you want your Course Certificate or Course Workbook posted to a country outside of the UK, you will be required to cover this cost.
Private Courses
PCR Global also deliver private IOSH Leading Safely courses, exclusive to each individual client. This aims to afford organisations a bespoke learning experience and promote more purposeful, open discussion with professional guidance on hand.