Integrated Management System Audit ... from Somalia to Dubai to Oman and back to Dubai


Back to Dubai: Integrated Management System Audit ... from Somalia to Dubai to Oman and back to Dubai

As I continue this current trip on behalf of MSS Global, I thought I would upload a short video while back in Dubai.

This part of my audit trip leads me to the start of an IMS audit (Integrated Management System) of Neptune P2P Group at their head office in Dubai. The IMS audit includes:
➡️ ISO 28007 Guidelines for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships
➡️ ISO 28000 Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
➡️ ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems
➡️ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems
➡️ ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems — Requirements

The message in the video is that an IMS, is often not really and truly an IMS (*general statement, no reference to this audit), and that the benefit and success of an IMS is dependent on three contexts, the internal context, the external context, and the risk management context.

If you are new to auditing, new to management systems or new to ISO, this video may be useful

Thanks for reading and watching if you do, Andy

PCR Global Limited

Thanks for reading and watching if you do, Andy

#security #securityindustry #maritime

'Don't trust it, TEST IT!" - PCR Global Limited

PCR Global Limited

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.

Don’t trust it, TEST IT
— PCR Global



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Security auditing: From Somalia to Dubai, to Oman