Security books, Security reviews, Security people

Author: Andrew Prothoeroe

When reflecting on the week (what went well, what could have been better), three elements stand out regarding my time in London supporting a client.

The Handbook of Security

— Supplied by Leicester University in 2008 when on their Foundation Degree in Security & Risk Management; it remains a regular travel companion. Despite being a little tatty & having the 2nd edition on Kindle, its a book I treasure & recommended.

Security reviews

Being entrusted to undertake security reviews on behalf of clients in hazardous industries is an honour. The framework for this review was ISO28007:2007 Security Management Systems for the Supply Chain - in particular, security policy & objectives, security risk assessment methodology, contractor security compliance, internal security competence, the employee cycle, security audit program.

Security people

Heading home I had a tap on the shoulder from James Stone - I first met James when we developed / delivered a close protection course in France in 2013 (alongside Jordan Wylie). There are excellent security books; valuable security standards, & some dedicated & inspirational people in security. This week I’ve touched base with all three. Lucky me.


Don’t trust it, TEST IT
— PCR Global


Safety books, Safety audits, Safety people.


“Sshh ... the auditors coming!!”