Safety books, Safety audits, Safety people.

Author: Andrew Protheroe

As I reflect on my week so far, similar to last week, three elements come to mind...

Total Safety Culture: Organisational Risk Literacy

I bought this book on its release in 2016 & found reading & re-reading it an obsession. The book is a regular travel companion as its packed with information & written in a, dare I say it, very ‘South Walien’ way! (people from South Wales, UK). Its my favourite printed H&S book & I’d recommend to anyone at any stage of their H&S journey.

Safety audits

Preparing & supporting companies for audits like Achillies UVDB is something I take pride in. UVDB is the utility industry pre-qualification system used across the UK & helps buying organisations achieve the highest standards of supply chain assurance. Areas audited include H&S, security, environment, quality & CSR.

Safety people

The company I refer to is SSI Energy | Medical Risk Management & thrilled to say they scored 100% across all categories at their first audit. SSI-E provide highly skilled medics & technicians to the energy industry (oil & gas, renewable sectors, onshore/offshore).

Congratulations Duncan Higham, Jules (Julian) Rawles, Jim Cooper, Daniel Baker, Kayleigh Newman, Sandra & The Team.


Don’t trust it, TEST IT
— PCR Global


PCR Global welcomes Jonathan Hughes


Security books, Security reviews, Security people