Walk 'n' Talk: SUPPORT
Real Risk Management | Walk ‘n’ Talk | Support
Author: Andrew Protheroe
What is Planning in the ISO context?
Moving from 'Clause 6 Planning' to 'Support' in the ISO HLS (High Level Structure) / Harmonious Structure for ISO45001 H&S, 9001 Quality, 14001 Env, 18788 Security for those new to ISO risk management.
A large Clause with 5 Subclauses…
Clause 7 SUPPORT
7.1 Resources
Adequate resources must be provided
18788- subcontracted/outsourced documented agreements to adhere to the same legal, ethical & human rights commitments
7.2 Competence
18788- Critical for firearms & knowledge of risk assessment content
7.3 Awareness
Of the Policy, Objectives etc. 45001- knowledge of the 'STOP WORK' authority for serious/imminent danger
7.4 Communication
Internal/External, Risk Communication
7.5 Documented information
Identifiable & available, retention requirements, how many years?
A working familiarity with the ISO HLS: (CLP SOPI):
4.0 Context
5.0 Leadership
6.0 Planning
8.0 Operation
9.0 Performance evaluation, and
10.0 Improvement
... is a very effective addition to our cognitive locker - our mental 'grab bag'.
Having the HLS at the front of our minds helps identify Client issues & formulate improvement strategies.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Email: ap@pcr-global.com
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”