‘Train hard, fight easy’ - is it that simple?
Author: Andrew Protheroe
Alongside ‘strength in depth’, this motto resonates with ex-forces.
As I still use these mottos as competence, confidence & resilience builders in my personal and work life, it was a pleasure today to see Manning Construction Ltd receive their first 100% in their Achillies audit: OHS, quality, environmental, supply chain risk, procurement & CSR.
As an auditor myself, I’m aware of the weakness in any audit ‘snap-shot’, but as embedded consultants & trainers we also see the ‘work as done vs work as planned’ of the companies we support. So congratulations to Stephen Euston, James (Site Manager for the Audit) Malcolm, Leanne and ALL at Manning who keep everyone safe & healthy whilst getting the task completed to program.
Adding to Mannings strength in depth & ability to ‘fight easy’ - was PCR’s Phil Parry who delivered this weeks SMSTS training to the next generation of Manning Construction & ASW Group Site Managers, and of course PCR’s Ian John who leads Mannings no-nonsense site audits!
From coalface to classroom to audit conditions - Can it really be that simple?
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”