Real Risk Management | Walk ‘n’ Talk | Decision Making
Author: Andrew Protheroe
Decision making - A selection of Alternatives
All previous walk'n'talk video subjects feed our 'decision making' - Perception, visual attention, competence, personality, stereotyping ... on reflection, we can see that we are almost hard wired to make imperfect decisions.
Three (of many) areas are noteworthy:
1. Perfect Rationality v Bounded Rationality
2. Cognitive biases (too many to list - the fundamental attribution error is a good place to start)
3. Satisficing - (we are all guilty)
Recognising our inherent decision making weaknesses is the first step in mitigating them.
PCR Take-a-ways
1 - We are never the finished article
2 - What makes us competent to make decisions that can cost lives, or always costs someone money?
3 - Where are we on our journey of understanding decision making? lets ask ourselves
4 - Fail to understand decision making - fail at hazard identification.
Thanks for reading & watching if you do - an area of risk management to trump all areas. Decisions can cost lives.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Email: ap@pcr-global.com
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”
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