End of Course Assessment

About the Assessment

The question paper consists of 25 multiple-choice questions: 20 questions are worth one mark each and 5 questions are worth two marks each.

You must obtain 25 marks out of 30 (83%) or more in order to pass the examination. This exam must be taken at the end of the course.

IMPORTANT: 20 questions are worth 1 mark, 5 are worth 2 marks. This is highlighted on each paper.

The examination is closed book

Completing the Assessment

CITB Virtual Classroom Examinations are completed online, using Microsoft Forms, at the end of the course.

  • At the end of the final Zoom session the tutor will provide you with a clickable link to access the exam paper.

  • Click the link to access the paper.

  • Do not commence the examination until instructed to do so.

  • Once complete, ensure your details are correct at the bottom of the form and click submit.

IMPORTANT: We must maintain visual contact with you at all times during the assessment. To achieve this the assessment is best completed on a laptop. This prevents the interruption of the camera on mobile devices when switching to the exam paper.

Failing this, if you do not have access to a laptop, you may log into the session on two separate mobile devices, enabling us to maintain a video connection with you on one, whilst to you complete the assessment on another.



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