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Thank you for choosing to study for your CITB Site Environmental Awareness Training Scheme
(SEATS) qualification with PCR Global.
This Learning Zone has been designed specifically to support you through your training, and beyond.
At PCR Global we recognise the convenience that Virtual Classroom learning brings to both businesses and individuals. Whether this is your first virtual classroom course or your fifth, we hope this learning zone will enable you to study from the comfort of your own home/office and access a great deal more content than what is typically available for the course.
We have been using remote technology to support our clients and our own business operations since day one of starting the business and possess over 5 years experience conducting remote Audits, from the UK, with clients all over the world. We hope to utilise this experience to maximise the benefit of yours.
The popularity of Virtual Classroom learning has undoubtedly gained amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, with very many countries instigating nation-wide lock-downs.
To provide the best possible learning experience, that can continue to assist you both between and beyond online classroom sessions, we’ve developed this Learning Zone to allow you access to relevant information, support materials and an easy link to access the support of our risk management professionals.
We hope you find it beneficial!
Who is the ‘SEATS’ for?
This one-day Site Environmental Awareness Training scheme (SEATS) course is designed for those who have, or are about to acquire, supervisory responsibilities.
This one-day course is intended for those who are operating at supervisor level. The course covers all relevant legislation and other aspects that affect the environment in the building, construction and civil engineering industries. It will provide supervisors with a broad understanding of the environment and the issues construction sites’ face.
Course Aims
This course aims to help construction supervisors:
supervise and protect the environment through legal provisions
protect the eco-system – the relationships and interactions between animals, plants (flora and fauna) and organisms and their environment
follow environmental management systems and processes to mitigate environmental damage
play their part in reducing statutory nuisance and disturbance to neighbours
manage the impact that archaeology and heritage can have on construction
control water consumption and reduce the impact construction has on natural water supplies
implement control measures to prevent the pollution of watercourses
identify ethically sourced timber though the chain-of-custody entering site
identify, control and manage contamination on brownfield sites
classify, segregate and properly dispose of waste.
Course Content
Water management
Dewatering and abstraction of water
Pollution prevention
Pollution incident response plans
Resource Efficiency
Timber and chain of custody
Contamination Control
Soil management
Site waste management plans
Describing and classifying waste
Managing and transferring waste
Management of hazardous waste
Sustainability and the environment
Regulations and activities supporting sustainable construction
Environmental stakeholders and regulators
Site environmental management systems
Archaeology and heritage
Protected monuments, buildings and sites
Ecology and biodiversity
Endangered, protected and priority species and habitats
Tree and hedgerow protection
Invasive Species
Statutory nuisance
Air quality and pollution
Noise and vibration
Light pollution
Community liaison
PCR Global Updates
Your Tutors
Risk Management Consultant
Email: pp@pcr-global.com
Associate Risk Management Consultant
Email: nb@pcr-global.com
Technical Support
Andrew Collins
BA (Hons) MInstLM
Director | Strategic Operations
Email: ac@pcr-global.com